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not a serious and responsible

发表于 2012-2-10 21:56:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
expense of the public's money to eat bribery
cases, the procuratorial organs will eventually be involved in the case of he and cloud wang addressed the crime of abuse of power, taking bribes to lingshui county people's court prosecution.
investigators by fine investigation found that the original written on the registration form is the check is a
this strange, investigators found that chen tai crops compensation table 451 of 1337 altered marks, how to check staff europe-hui, li qidong is said to be altered for 4451? this is the end is how is it?
ling river flood protection works in the local major construction projects, project land acquisition and the amount of large, young compensation huge, well received by social concerns.

forensic accounting by the hainan provincial people's procuratorate, the government of more than compensated for more than 240,000 yuan.
files data show that in the land acquisition process, the coconut grove town, village, part of the collective garden planted by the farmers were requisitioned, village committee to discuss the expropriated collective garden compensation, in the village village committee will be collective and individual farmers 50%, and reported to the authorities agreed. coconut grove village village farmers collective garden half the town in accordance with this ratio compensation.
, when he was 36 years old, when he lingshui county water authority, designer and enumerators, deputy head of the ling river levees land acquisition measure leading group for the first inventory of group.
it is understood that the local receive excessive compensation requisitioned individuals have more than 200 people, most of the expropriation of personal hear the wind may want to ling river land acquisition, holding gambling on land, the young a mentality of planting green crops on the purpose of land acquisition crops compensation payments.

by visits to understand the masses of this two-person views the work of land acquisition and measurement and crops compensation, many people looked very helpless, they complain that you will identify the problems? complain go complain, the masses are still many investigators have not yet mastered.

as for who altered, wang tuo,doudoune moncler, he,abercrombie, and cloud passing the buck, and other staff members have said

few days later, ho and cloud organization recount register, inventory staff to discuss identified as the longan tree 451 level for one year, to participate in the inventory of personnel in the inventory table registration longan tree on the 451, level 1, chen da-its also on the table, confirmed and signed.

as enumerators wang to understand such changes, one can reduce the number of trees, able to deceive the public to improve the level of compensation did not experience less.
example, requisitioned personal yang chun tong 1.9 acres of garden, not only full compensation and to repeat compensation. forensic accounting by the hainan provincial people's procuratorate, yang chun tong garden to pay more compensation to more than 220,000 yuan.
investigators immediately find europe can-hui,coach outlet stores, li qidong understand the situation, two-person, check the longan tree, number of trees planted in the chen tai garden strains altered by the but do not know whom he was altered. they just signed against his name, did not dare ask about.
for compensation qiangzhong young

however, in the process of tabulation, pricing, wang to do the opposite. by virtue of their power requisitioned personal garden area on the part of the village, the village committee in full or increase the area of ??pricing, tabulation, resulting in the collective garden of the villages, farmers in parts of the compensation shall not be deducted or increase in area receive more compensation.

then, wu chung house, and partner with the village,abercrombie france, the village committee director hu five lakes, funded by hu five lakes, in the chen tai's garden was planted about 5000 longan seedlings.
a large number of external evidence to obtain, the procuratorial organs ho and cloud wang addressed immediately to take coercive measures.

arraignment ho and cloud, the investigators asks her bluntly: / p>
desperation, ho and cloud confessed: near, i received a landless individual zhuhong yang 1 million; the evening of 8 november 2008,coach outlet store online, i arrived home to charge the land of personal guoqing 10,000 yuan; night in mid-2008 lunar calendar, to close the coconut grove town, village authority director hu five lakes 10,000 yuan. happy town, next to the food stalls, hu five lakes gave me 10,000 yuan; day in december 2008 in the door of lingshui county water authority, guoqing gave me 19,000 yuan; in june and july 2008, the water authority courtyard, zhuhong yang gave me 30,000 yuan.
it is understood that, in this case, land, young receive excessive compensation, expropriation of more than 200 individuals, located in coconut grove town, village, abundance,moncler pas cher, east of the city three village committees.

lingshui county, hainan,
in early 2009, the project began the land acquisition, one after another the masses in engineering in the acquisition of land, crops compensation fraud, and false impersonation.

investigation results report shows how and cloud wang addressed in the land compensation process, there is no enforcement provisions under the young standard of compensation to not compensate farmers do not agree, it will hinder the construction of the reason, abuse of power, good argued that the expropriation of personal coconut trees, areca palm, mango trees, longan trees young,louboutin, super-standard registration, pricing, accounting, tabulation compensation exceeded the total compensation of 496 million yuan.
incredible, in the final compensation, chen tai its registration form on the longan tree has been added for 4451. wang to, deputy head of the pricing when worried about publicity, the masses have the views, again 4451, level 1 are translated into 1337, level 2 to 3 years watchmaking compensation.

abuse of power for their own gain
however, the prosecution believes that the inventory team leader ho and cloud in the review link, not a serious and responsible,moncler, audit control is lax, resulting in someone changes the behavior of chen tai young longan number of trees to succeed to the government related processing losses; deputy head of the enrichment and pricing tab, do not conscientiously fulfill the duties of the pricing tab found to add traces, not only to the higher authorities are worried that the masses have the views of the modifications to pricing tab.

investigators are convinced that regardless altered the number is, in short, is altered, of which there must be hidden. confirmor wang to the person in charge of how and cloud absolutely can not get away.
mentality of most of the requisitioned individual hear the wind may want to ling river land acquisition, holding gamble planting young, they do not in accordance with the planting of the young crops varieties specification, dense planting, the purpose is to have young crops compensation in the expropriation of land and more.
lingshui county coconut grove town, village, the investigators see farmers chen to receive the young registration form of compensation, was surprised to find, should compensate for the column have obvious signs of alteration.

ho and cloud, when he was 54 years old, when he was deputy party secretary of coconut grove town, the first inventory of land acquisition and measurement of the ling river levees work leading group the group headed.

however, local authorities thorough investigation, until after six months did not find out what. in june 2009, took over the matter lingshui county people's procuratorate began investigating the case. reflect the facts wrong, or what in the way of the cases the investigation and handling? this became the prosecutor handling the case first need to figure out the problem.
investigation results after

in lingshui county, hainan ling river flood protection works in construction, the local people strongly reflected in young crops compensation fraud. after local prosecutors involved in the investigation and found that coconut town, the county's former deputy party secretary, led by an inventory of abuse of authority, bold changes to the statistical data to enable the government to compensate for the cost of the extra expenditure of nearly 500 million
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