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发表于 2011-9-23 12:43:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


dear friends,
ladies and gentlemen:

we are the chinese legal citizens.

we are the innocent victims of the high-tech weapon of secret remote control human body and brain.

long-term since, the criminals abusing secret monitoring privileges of chinese secret departments, have madly destroyed our spirit and body with this kind of “high-tech” weapon for the purpose of persecuting the victims to mental disorders, physical disability and death. their means are extreme cruel, obscene, shameless, loss of humanity.

under the criminals’ persecution secretly attacked day and night by means of the high-tech weapon, we have been in the long-term psychological torture and physical pain, and facing the threat of death every minute of every day. and, because the right to work of some victims was deprived, they completely lost economic sources, could not maintain normal basic life, and have been living a very miserable life.

we urgently need the humanitarian aid from people all over china and all over the world.

here is an indictment for accountability written to the central commission for discipline inspection of the cpc, the committee of political and legislative affairs of the cccpc, the supreme people’s court of the peoples republic of china, and the supreme people’s procuratorate of the people’s republic of china, and signed by 76 of chinese victims. according to the constitution and law of china, we strongly request the above-mentioned sectors to implement accountability of mr. geng huichang, one of the leaders of the national security sector, for legal responsibility of malfeasance. at the same time, we start legal proceedings against the secret criminals of the state security departments, who abused the monitoring privilege, waywardly violated the constitution and the law, and illegally infringed the citizens' human rights; and we insist on bringing them to justice. moreover, we request to give the victims economic compensation for the long-term cruel spirit and physical injuries.

the crimes of secret remote control human body and brain by means of the high-tech weapon, which have overrun in many countries for many years. the criminals abusing secret monitoring privileges and arbitrarily trampling human dignity and fundamental human rights, are public enemies of all mankind. the u.n secretary-general, mr.ban ki-moon, and the united nations agencies have the responsibility to take immediate measures and emergency action, openly oppose and forbid that the high-tech weapon of secret remote control human body and brain are used for unbridled infringement of human beings, to perform the sacred duty maintaining the fundamental human rights of people all over the world as per “the charter of the united nations” and article 3, 5, 6, 12,19 of “the universal declaration and convention of human rights of the world”.

now, the victims of china are struggling by way of exposure and litigation in accordance with the law. hereon, for help, we strongly appeal to people of the legal profession of china and foreign countries: we seek the lawyers who defy power and dare to uphold justice, and long for them to stand out, to provide legal services for our struggle in accountability and litigation, to help us indict these secret criminals, and bring the criminals to justice.

for help, we strongly appeal to the far-sighted and friendly people of the news media and others of china and foreign countries: we seek the far-sighted and friendly people who defy power and dare to uphold justice; and long for them to show great attention to our struggle in exposure and litigation, to uphold justice, to help us free from the doom of victimization.

“the universal declaration and convention of human rights of the world” signed by countries in the world doesn't admit of blasphemy, the sacred constitution of china doesn't admit of trample, the fundamental human rights to life and live of human beings doesn't admit of infringement.

the victims of us look forward to that people of the legal profession, the news media and others of china and foreign countries can positively respond and offer their best help to our on-going struggling in exposure and litigation.

        accountability of mr. geng huichang, one of the leaders of the national security sector

                                           (the indictment signed by 76 of chinese victims.)

the central commission for discipline inspection of the cpc:

the committee of political and legislative affairs, cccpc:

the supreme people’s court of the peoples republic of china:

the supreme people’s procuratorate of the people’s republic of china:

we are the victims suffering cruel torture and persecution day and night of the high-tech weapon of secret remote control human body and brain. december 3, 2007, we sent “a collective complaint to chinese president hu jintao” (signed by 77 of victims). may 5, 2008, we sent “an open letter to the head of chinese secret sector” (signed by 43 of victims). september 7, 2008, we sent “an announcement to the whole world by chinese victims” (signed by 65 of victims).

now, as chinese citizens, we request to implement accountability of mr. geng huichang, the minister of the ministry of state security ,for legal responsibility of malfeasance in accordance with article 13, 22 of “state security law of the people's republic of china”, and article 397 of “criminal law of the people's republic of china”.

as is known to all, the national security sector is an important sector of the government of china, it has various secret functions and prerogative which other government sectors have no. but, as one of the sectors of the people's government, both “public departments”, and “secret departments” under its jurisdiction, must abide by the constitution and law, and exercise their powers strictly within the scope prescribed by the constitution and law. and all members of any department have no privilege beyond the constitution and law, and all their activities must not violate the constitution and law. otherwise, their behaviors are the crimes abusing privilege.

article 5 of the constitution stipulates: “no laws or administrative or local rules and regulations may contravene the constitution. all state organs, the armed forces, all political parties and public organizations and all enterprises and institutions must abide by the constitution and the law.

all acts in violation of the constitution or the law must be investigated.
no organization or individual is privileged to be beyond the constitution or the law.”

china is a socialist country under the rule of law, all citizens are equal in the law. and, all of them enjoy the essential human right of normal life and live in thoughts, dignity, study, work and rest, health, etc.

article 33 of the constitution stipulates: “all citizens of the people's republic of china, everyone is equal before the law”. “the state respects and protects the human rights of citizens.”

article 38 of the constitution stipulates: “the personal dignity of citizens of the people's republic of china is inviolable. insult, libel, false accusation or false incrimination directed against citizens by any means is prohibited.”

article 98 of the civil law stipulates: “the citizens enjoy right to life and health.”

thus, the constitution and the law have explicitly stipulated, that the citizens' human rights of normal life and live, including the rights to freedom of thought, rest and sleep, study and work, body health, and personal dignity, etc. should be respected and protected by the state. any organization or individual must not use any method, including public or secret method, to infringe the fundamental human rights of citizens. even if such violations are from government departments, from the "secret agency", all of which are the crimes of flagrant violation of the constitution and the law.

however, judging from many exposed facts, some members of “secret department” of the national security sector of china, waywardly trampled the dignity of the constitution, and unscrupulously violated the fundamental human rights of citizens through abusing their privileges for secret monitoring and using the high-tech weapon of secret remote control human body and brain.

long-term since, they have persecuted the body and mind of the innocent citizens using all sorts of cruel means, 24 hours a day. it has caused that the victims couldn’t normally study, work, rest and life, and suffered a huge of injury in the body and mind, and were more dead than alive in grief and indignation everyday.

after the reform and opening of china, for the high-tech weapon of secret remote control human body and brain, its technology was more advanced, its using range was more extensive, and the quality of members using it was more inferior, so that the members, who abused the monitoring privilege, were more unbridled, did whatever they wanted, and reached the pinnacle of abnormality in the illicit and secret violations of human rights.

these evil means are listed as followings:

1. the infringement of citizens' right to privacy. secretly filching the "thinking" of the victims, widely spreading their "thought", and executing "scare dialogue" with them on it, bulldozing them life in the state of no privacy, constant anxiety and mental pain every minute of every day. some of victims couldn’t bear such long-term mental torment, and were forced to suicide.

2. spiritual harassment. manufacturing harassment voices in the victims’ ears day and night, such as, intimidation, rumors defamation, sarcasm, etc. to disturb the spirit of them and make them can not normally think, rest, life, study and work. and when some of victims are in asleep, entering images of murder violence, pornography, reactionary and terror into the brain of them, using the rogue means so-called "fishing", and setting "trap" to trick and frame-up victims.

3. physical torment. waywardly manufacturing pain, itching, hot, cold, trembling, uncomfortable in the body parts of the victims to make them in the state of abnormality pain. and, shamelessly implementing the inhuman "sexual torture” means to torment the victims. even manufacturing various “strange disease and incurable disease” in the body parts of the victims. sometimes controlling and changing the audio-visual perception of the victims to make accident and murder secretly them when they are driving or crossing the road.

4. pressuring and increasing the mental load of victims through tormenting their family members in the body and spirit. stirring up the contradictions and conflicts between the victims and the people around, further worsening the social life environment of them to force the spiritual of them towards collapse constantly through stealing the "thinking" of them and spreading it to their family members, friends, colleagues, or synthetic making the voice of their family members, friends, colleagues and sending it to them, and wantonly making false and chaos.


all in all, the purposes of that are, or persecuting the victims to “mental disorders” , and sending them into a mental hospital; or making them suicide in the cruel torture ; or punishing them “in accordance with the law” under the cover of “the extreme speech and behavior” of them in the process of cruel persecution; or killing them secretly by the doctor's “scalpel” on the grounds of treating “incurable disease” in their body; or killing them in various “accidents" through controlling and changing the audio-visual perception of them. all of these are the real secret persecutions and murders, but, which are imputed to victims’ own “disease" and others to cover the truth of secret persecutions and murders.

according to incomplete statistics of network, the chinese victims publicly uncovered the truth have hundreds of people. also, the new victims are emerging, and increasing every day. the victims distribute almost all the provinces and regions of china, of which, there are company staffs, teachers, students, retired workers, farmers, and other citizens with other identity and professional. among them, the persecuted time, shorter is several months, longer is nearly 40 years. their complaints have made a great shock and responses on the network and in the whole society.

no doubt, all the high-tech means of the infringement secretly of citizens' human rights, are the secret crimes that the constitution and the law must not allow. it is the challenged publicly against the constitution and laws, and is the shameless blasphemed against the human conscience. in technique, terror,and antihuman, it has become an unprecedented human rights disaster in the history of china and the world. the spread without restriction of the secret, terroristic and lawless crime behaviours, is triggering the extensive social panic, and damaging seriously the stability and harmony of the whole society, and will cause great harm to the state and nationality!

also must be explicitly pointed out: long ago, the high-tech means of secret remote control human body and brain, it already was an open secret in the “insider circle" of china. this is an indisputable fact.

from "the culture revolution" of the last century, “lin biao and the gang of four” of china, using powers stolen by them, implemented the secret fascist spy dictatorship to the people. they willfully violated the constitution and law, and infringed the right to freedom of thought of the citizens, invented the secret trick “theory" of so-called catching “thinking criminal”, implemented secret cruel persecutions and murders to the physical and mental of people using this high-tech means of secret remote control human body and brain, caused that many innocent victims died in injustice, and their families broken up and decimated.

“there are no thinking criminals in china”, this is an important legal principles. the history already made a fair judgment early for the secret trick “theory” and evil means of secretly infringement of the human rights of citizens. in the early 1980s, when implemented the policies of “correcting the mistakes, returning the right”, many people, who suffered secret cruel persecutions and murders, have been rehabilitated righted.

could it be said that, in china under the leadership of chinese party central committee with comrade hu jintao as general secretary, in the day that “the state respects and safeguards the human rights of citizens” have been loaded china's constitution, and in society pursuing the democracy, the rule of law and the harmonious , the secret criminals of “secret departments” of the national security sector of china, still adhere to the secret trick "theory" of the unlawfully infringement of the right to freedom of thought of the citizens and evil means of cruel persecution of citizens, continue to implement the secret fascist spy dictatorship of “lin biao and the gang of four” to the chinese people?

many citizens, who suffered secret cruel persecutions and murders of the secret high-tech means, have posted letters, appealed for help, reported cases to the security authorities of china through various forms, but, they have never gotten the due respond. and, nothing has been done to stop crime and perform the duties of protection of citizens' fundamental human rights and safety. the facts show, the minister geng huichang, as one of the leaders of the national security sector of china, has the unshirkable leadership responsibilities for the criminalities abused the privilege and secretly infringed the citizens' human rights by many members of “secret departments” under his jurisdiction. according to the law, the victims of us request to implement accountability of mr. geng huichang for legal responsibility of malfeasance, which is fair, reasonable and lawful.

december 10, 2008, the general-secretary hu jintao putted forward the request implementing completely the constitution principle of "the state respects and protects human rights" in the letter to conversazione for commemorating the 60th anniversary of publication of “declaration of human rights of the world” held by china's human rights association. this fully demonstrates the determination of the central leaders maintain constitution dignity, punish the power corruption, importance and protect the citizens' human rights.

january 13, 2009, at the third plenary meeting of the 17th central commission for inspecting discipline of the communist party of china, the general secretary hu jintao pointed out, “to unswervingly strengthen the party's deportment and honest government construction and the struggle against corruption”; “to investigate severely the cases of abuse their powers, corruption, bribery, dereliction and malfeasance of the leading authority and leading cadres” .

as far as power corruption, all of the behaviors of corruption, bribery, malpractices, buy officer and sell officer of the government officials using their powers, are the flagrant crimes. however, “the biggest corruption " of endangering state, harm to the people is not in that, but in the crime of the judicial privilege’s corruption of abusing publicly or secretly privileges, “breaking the law knowingly, breaking laws while in charge of their enforcement”, waywardly infringing the citizens' human rights . this is “the biggest corruption” that the party and the state must pay great attention to and mainly punish! because, it is not only directly related to the fundamental human right to life and live of people, but also directly endangers the political logos and principle of " people-oriented, governing for the people", and, then, seriously damages the credit image in people's minds of the party and government.

in order to defend the constitution dignity and protect the citizens' fundamental human rights, to carry out the important instructions of the general-secretary hu jintao for implementing completely the constitution principle of “respect and protect human rights”, to create a civilized society of the democracy, the rule of law and the harmonious, according to the constitution and the law, we write this indictment to the central commission for discipline inspection of the cpc, the committee of political and legislative affairs of the cccpc, the supreme people's court of china and the supreme people's procuratorate of china. we request to implement accountability of mr. geng huichang, one of the leaders of the national security sector, for legal responsibility of malfeasance; and request that his malfeasance shall be dealt with harshly. at the same time, we start legal proceedings against the secret criminals of the state security departments, who abused the privilege, waywardly violated the constitution and the law, and illegally infringed the citizens' human rights; and we insist on bringing them to justice. moreover, we request to give the victims economic compensation for the long-term cruel spirit and physical injuries.

                   march 6th, 2009

            chinese victims (signature):

         (omitted here, please see signatures in original below.)























     众所周知,国家安全部门是中国政府中的重要部门,拥有着其他政府部门所没有的各种秘密职能和特权。但是,尽管如此,作为人民政府中的一个部门,其管辖下的无论是 “公开机构”,还是“秘密机构”,都必须遵守宪法和法律,不折不扣地在宪法和法律规定的范围内行使职权,其所有成员及各种行为,都没有、也不允许有超越宪法和法律的特权。否则,就是滥用特权的犯罪行为。《宪法》第五条明确规定:












     凡此种种,其目的就是要把受害者折磨迫害成:或者“精神失常”被送进精神病院;或无法忍受残酷折磨痛苦而“自杀”身亡;或产生和公开发出“强烈愤慨不满”的偏激言行,被“依法惩处”;或身体内出现“绝症”,被借助医生的“手术刀”,实施冠冕堂皇地 “借刀杀人”阴谋暗害;或被干扰感觉认知,遇害于各种“意外事故”。这些分明都是货真价实的阴谋暗害,却又嫁祸于受害者自身、于“疾病”,以掩盖其秘密迫害和暗害的真相。









       今年1月13日,胡锦涛总书记又在中国共产党第十七届中央纪律检查委员会第三次全体会议上发表重要讲话中指出: 要“毫不动摇地加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争”;“要严肃查处领导机关和领导干部中滥用职权、贪污贿赂、腐化堕落、失职渎职的案件”。




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( soleilmavis注:我及其他一些受害者,在国外读书时成为了受害者,由于是在国外时受害,所以,我们对是谁造成了自己遭受多年秘密遥控酷刑虐待的真相尚还不十分清楚和确定。但是目前我们在中国境内仍然遭受酷刑虐待和骚扰,中国政府有明确的法律规定,反对酷刑。政府有责任和义务维护法律的尊严,政府有责任和义务保护合法公民的合法权利不受侵犯,政府有责任和义务对受害者进行法律援助以及生活援助。很多中国受害者因为自己的亲身经历,而认定是中国秘密机构内非法滥用特权的人对中国公民实施秘密遥控酷刑虐待,而且因为中国政府对这样的虐待一直保守秘密,所以更加坚定了中国受害者的这样的想法。我以及其他的受害者支持这封签名信,目的就是要求政府对这样的法西斯暴行进行公开,将这些法西斯分子绳之以法,并且对所有的受害者提供法律援助和生活援助。)

(tony tu加注:本人是在英国时受害,和深圳受害留学英国女生rinoa一样,向英国警方和中国公安部反复报案过的,没有得到过回音,回到中国我们仍然受到迫害,而且变本加厉,精神上和肉体上的迫害加重了,我们都是普通公民,我们既不是靠出头露面挣钱,也没有授权别人出卖自己个人和其他人的隐私用于下流变态的娱乐。更不是官场的人,不知道为什么受到法西斯特务式的虐待和侮辱。当年中国重庆有个中美技术秘密合作所,江姐在那里受到非人的虐待和侮辱,而今,中国是否又出了个“中英人脑控制技术秘密合作研究所”把中外华人华侨,普通百姓作为活人实验品?还是中国国安内部出了问题?是否有人里通国外对华人华侨实施农奴般的奴役,巧取豪夺,以国家的名义有组织的犯罪?)








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