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纪文英文专辑主打歌曲《i want to see you》推荐聆听

发表于 2011-12-1 04:35:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
纪文英文专辑主打歌曲《i want to see you》推荐聆听

I Want To See You
Lyrics:Jey Wen(纪文)
Compose:Jey Wen(纪文)
Vocals:Jey Wen(纪文)
Music Arrangement:Jey Wen(纪文)
Mixing:Jey Wen(纪文)
Mastering:Jey Wen(纪文)

I want to see you
To see the most pretty angel in my life
I’m falling with you   
To tell you how much I’ll give you in my life.
My baby

My heart will show you the truth about myself
Just give me the chance then I will tell
That I’m willing to give you my life

You just need a bit time to give it try
Then you will know what’s the sweet love
After dawn there will be sunshine

I want to see you
To see the most pretty angle in my life
I’m falling with you   
To tell you how much I’ll give you in my life   

Hope the promise is not too late
Because our love is not game
And we don’t have much time to waste

I know your broken heart will take a long
Time to cure, you will see and it’s real
I will give you a chance to touch my soul   

No need to be afraid of holding my hand
Don’t have to worry about the time
I will do my best to show who is your man

I’ll let you see another part of your life
To let you put all your trust in me
A hero story will be told with my name

I want to see you
To see the most pretty angle in my life
I’m falling with you   
To tell you how much I’ll give you in my life(×2)

When I see your eyes
My passion is burning inside
When I look into your eyes
I see you feel so shy  

If I had that chance again
I will never lose your hand
If you say the words again
I will do the best I can

I want to see you
To see the most pretty angle in my life
I’m falling with you   
To tell you how much I’ll give you in my life(×6)

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