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RS FireCape Service www.runescape-powerleveling.com-ZFY

发表于 2012-1-25 11:55:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
www.runescape-powerleveling.com is the biggest runescape service company which is providing runescape power leveling, runescape accounts, runescape gold and runescape power quest. buy cheap runescape power leveling at runescape-powerleveling.com.

hot sale tzhaar fight cave(firecape with no defense)   //time:4 hours //price14.99
required: ranged 70+, pray 44+, constitution 50+, 5m gold.
importance: we can keep your defense at 1lvl.
description: do you think that you can kill 240 monsters, including jad, one of the toughest bosses in runescape? maybe the fabled fire cape can be yours!
you can order it here http://www.runescape-powerleveling.com/firecap-tzhaar-fight-cave/
hot sale tzhaar fight cave(easy firecape)  //time: 3 hours  //price: $7.99
required: defense 40+ , ranged 70+, pray 44+, constitution 50+, 2m gold.
description: do you think that you can kill 240 monsters, including jad, one of the toughest bosses in runescape? maybe the fabled fire cape can be yours!
you can order it here http://www.runescape-powerleveling.com/firecap-tzhaar-fight-cave/
the fire cape is a reward received after defeating the level 702 tztok-jad found in the tzhaar fight cave activity. players will always receive a fire cape after killing tztok-jad, regardless of whether they already own one or not. fire capes stack when stored in the bank, and they can be stored on the cape rack in a costume room of a player-owned house. players that don't want their cape can sell it to tzhaar-mej-jal for 8,000 tokkul. a lost fire cape can only be replaced by defeating tztok-jad again to receive another one. the fire cape is much sought after due to its high stat bonuses. it is one of three capes that have a strength bonus. it currently has the second highest strength and defence bonuses of any cape in the game only surpassed by the completionist cape. it is, however, surpassed by the god capes in magic attack bonus, ava's accumulator/attractor/alerter in ranged attack bonus, and by the ardougne cloak (3 and 4), the third-age druidic cloak, all trimmed skillcapes, the completionist cape, the max cape and the soul wars capes in prayer bonus. until 8 february 2010, the cape had to be worn to fight ice strykewyrms. without it, the player could not deal any damage, or even get assigned the task. (although a completionist cape would also count as a fire cape for this purpose.) note: the player must have them as a task to be able to attack them; just having a fire cape is not enough. however, jagex has implemented an extra reward that allows players who do not own a fire cape to gain the ability to kill and be assigned ice strykewyrms by purchasing it from a slayer master for 2,000 slayer reward points. the fire cape is one of few animated equipment pieces, as well as the very first one. it is meant to depict a flow of lava streaming down. after the august update to minigame rewards, the fire cape can be traded to nomad or zimberfizz (along with 100 zeal points while having 99 slayer and 99 summoning) for a new pet: tzrek-jad, a miniature tztok-jad. the cape is used as payment and is lost after trading, forcing the player to defeat tztok-jad again if they wish to acquire a new one.
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