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SWTOR Power Leveling from www.levelingpower.com-NTN

发表于 2012-2-1 22:08:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
www.levelingpower.com is the leading team in power leveling field, they have began power leveling service since 2004. now www.levelingpower.com is providing the star wars: the old republic power leveling.
swtor 1-50 power leveling  309.99usd, 12 days
swtor 1-40 power leveling  182.99usd, 7 days
swtor 1-40 power leveling  94.99usd, 3.5 days

swtor cd-key + 60 days time card + 1-30 power leveling  5% off now
1.swtor cd-key + 60 days time card
2.1-30 power leveling by hand with questing
3.4k swtor credits for free
importance: the cd-k and time card are official sscannogram
189.99usd    3 days 8 hours
swtor power leveling 1-50 plan
1. swtor power leveling 1-50 by doing quests
2. act 1 and class quests done: companion quests and star ship quests
3. all rare drops stay in your backpack
4. complete 95% + quests on all maps
5. 100000 credits for free and mount skill for free
6. 100% hand-work leveling with account guaranted
7. light iii or dark iii
$329.99   $329.99
order now here http://www.levelingpower.com/swtor/character

armormech, armstech, artifice, biochem, cybertech, synthweaving
alderaan, balmorra, balmorra republic, belsavis, corellia, coruscant, dromund kaas, hoth, hutta, ilum, korriban, nar shadda, ord mantell, taris, taris, tatooine, tython, voss
bounty hunter, imperial agent, jedi consular, jedi knight, sith inquisitor, sith warrior, smuggler, trooper
achievement: datacrons, achievement: epic enemies, achievement: pvp, achievement: titles, advanced classes, bestiary, crew skills, game rules, locations, lore, organizations, persons of note, planets, ships, species
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