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闲置Sonicview SV-4000 FTA卫星电视接收机

发表于 2011-2-25 10:03:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
有一台闲置的Sonicview SV-4000 FTA卫星电视接收机(使用不到1年),因升级到HDTV而闲置。
Sonicview 4000 FTA Satellite TV Receiver

Description : The Sonic View SV 4000 provides many new features that makes it stand out from most of the other FTA
receivers. Besides supporting a real 7-day EPG, it will give you the option to download updates through the USB port, zoom in and out to a picture and it will also allow you to view up to 9 different channels on a single screen.
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