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发表于 2013-8-11 00:04:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  A woman who became Britain's youngest mother after a one night stand at the age of 12 says she had no regrets about becoming a teen mum。英国最年轻妈妈一夜情后,于12岁怀孕产子。如今她仍旧表示身为少女妈妈无怨无悔。
  In fact, Amy Crowhurst advocates having children early as she admits that at the age of 22 she now has 'the freedom to meet mates and go clubbing when my mum babysits.'事实上,Amy Crowhurst一直宣称越早怀孕越好。时年22的她表示目前可以自由交友、泡吧,而孩子则由她母亲照看。
  Amy, who is on benefits and lives in a council house, told this week's Closer magazine: 'Having kids young was the smartest thing I ever did.'Amy目前住在简易住宅之中,生活自如。她向Closer杂志表示,做少女妈妈是她经历最聪明的事。
  She added: 'When I see girls I went to school with having babies now, I’m so glad I got it out of the way. They’ll be at home and up in the night for the next 10 years. Plus they’re fat and I’m a size 6! I missed school, but I can catch up – and I’ll appreciate it more.'她说:“以前的学校同学很多现在都有了孩子,而我却对自己怀孕生子的人生之路很满意。那些女同学今后10年都要居家操持,起早贪黑,并且她们现在都很胖,而我身材苗条。我的确错过了不少学校课程,但是我能赶上她们——并且我比她们更珍惜学校的一切。”
  Amy fell pregnant in 2002 when she was just 12-years-old after having sex with a 15-year-old boy she barely knew. She gave birth to son, Alfie, when she was 13 and dropped out of school to care for him. She said at the time: 'I know I was stupid but I'm not that bothered. Of course I wish it had never happened but it's too late now.'Amy在2002年就与一不相熟的15岁少年发生了关系,以12岁之龄产下一子Alfie。13岁辍学回家照看孩子的她当时表示,自己的确做了蠢事,但是并不为之烦恼。尽管期待一切从未发生,可事实已成定局。
  At the age of 16, she moved out of the home she shared with her mum and eight siblings in Crawley, West Sussex, to a council flat of her own.16岁时,她搬出了和母亲及8个姊妹同住的旧屋,从西苏塞克斯的克劳雷搬到了属于她自己的简易公寓。
  Although she hadn't been in a relationship with Alfie's father since her son was born, they then had a 'one-off' reconciliation in 2005 - which led to her falling pregnant again. At the age of 16 she gave birth to daughter Destiny。尽管自儿子Alfie出生后,Amy就和儿子的父亲再无其他关系,但是2005年双方的“一次性”和解后,Amy再度怀孕并于16岁生下女儿Destiny。
  She didn't remain in contact with her children's father and admits for a period she struggled to cope as a single mum。其后她与孩子的父亲断绝了联系,坚持表示她要努力做个单身母亲。
  This led to her getting in trouble with the law as she was found in possession of cannabis in 2009 - for which she was sentenced to a community order - and then evicted from her council home in 2010 for throwing 'wild drug-fuelled parties'。但是2009年,她却因服用大麻锒铛入狱;而2010年,她又因加入野性服药党被驱逐出她的简易公寓。
  When she pleaded guilty to possessing cannabis, she told the court she had taken it to get away from the stress of parenthood and forget about everyday life。当她为自己服用大麻的罪名进行辩护时,她告诉法官她会这么做是为了摆脱自己的母亲身份以及每日的生活需求带来的压力。
  Despite this, Amy tells Closer she wouldn't mind if her own daughter became a teen mother. She said: 'Having sex at 12 is fine if you feel ready and aren’t pressured. I wouldn’t encourage Destiny to plan pregnancy at 12, but if she did have a baby I’d be happy – it’d be fun being a gran at 27!'此外,Amy还告诉Closer杂志她并不介意自己的女儿也成为少女妈妈。她表示,如果做好了一切准备,没有思想包袱,那么12岁就发生性关系也没有什么不好。她不会鼓励女儿Destiny像她一样12岁生子,但是要是真的有了孩子,她会很高兴。“27岁做祖母也很有趣,”她这么说。
  Amy told the magazine she now has her life back on track. She and her children, now aged nine and seven, are living in a three bedroom council house and she is returning to college to get her GCSEs with ambitions of becoming a healthcare worker.Amy还说目前她的生活正在回归正轨。她和9岁的儿子、7岁的女儿目前居住在三室型的简易住宅之中,而她也雄心勃勃地回归校园,考取普通中等教育证书,期待今后能成为保健工作者。
  She believes she's a better mum for having had children early as she has lots of energy and can relate to her off-spring because they are closer in age。她相信孩子生得早让她成为了一个更好的母亲。正因如此,她有更多的精力和孩子们相处,而且她们年龄相仿,关系更近。

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