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发表于 2014-8-2 01:00:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

陪伴是最长情的告白 英夫妇每年一张大头贴

  A couple have used photobooth pictures, taken annually for 14 years, to create a charming photographic illustration of their life together。
  Giles Paley-Phillips, 36, and his now wife, Michelle, 32, first popped into one of the public machines in October 2000, when they were an awkward couple a month into their courtship。
  They found themselves repeating the picture pose once a year, with changing hairstyles, engagement, marriage and two cute children all forming part of their 14-year photo story。
  Mr Paley-Phillips recalled the first photo was taken at a Brighton train station when the two had only been seeing each other for a month。
  'I already felt she was "the one", though I didn't dare admit it to either of us。
  Mr Paley-Phillips said of the photo in 2002: By now we were married. I loved having a picture with my "wife"。
  'We both loved the stability of being married and having one another around all the time - just the day to day joy of being married and living together。
  He added of the 2010 photobooth: 'We both look tired out, which we were. Having two sons under four has its challenges, as they were both extremely lively and adventurous。
  'The photobooth was in a post office and I remember trying to squeeze two growing children into the booth and realising there would be less and less space each year as they got bigger and that one day they would be grown men like me.'
  Mr Paley-Phillips recalled he finally allowed his grey hair to come through in the picture taken in 2012.  “这张照片是在邮局拍的,我记得当时我费了好大劲才把两个孩子给挤进拍照亭里,而且我也意识到,随着他们慢慢长大,以后每年拍照都会更挤,有一天他们会成长为和我一样的大人。”
  Finally, last year's photo showed the two boys growing up with their mother's eyes。
  He added: 'I love that they have Michelle's eyes. Life is better and happier than ever too. All the things Michelle and I used to wish for and dream about are here.'

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