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mbt outlet Sentiment of life _40515

发表于 2012-1-19 10:18:27 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
sentiment of life
listen - wind [personal essays] date :2009-1-31 12:35:42 by ← → arrow keys to flip editor's note: every experience in life is a beautiful, if timely inventory, it is a kind of harvest. simple and comfortable, quiet and calm - this is all aspire realm. authors writing virtuous, wise evans, enjoyed. when autumn comes, my heart just sink into the sea, the share of loneliness and sadness will be a rush on, become more inexplicable melancholy and lonely!
autumn night is always so difficult for me to sleep, then whiz to a biting cold wind, although not yet to the point, but it always makes me feel the cold chill of a sudden feel like an abandoned kitten, so lonely, so helpless!
days of the later, the smoke of years has gradually blurred the memory of past and distant, the only ray of light on the childhood nostalgia has always been a long time to wound in my heart, there is no moonlight night, laughing wake up from a dream, no longer sleep only lingering regret and loneliness ... ...
four-year-old - who must pass through the ages, from fall to earth to babbling, carrying a bag from married to a career, we all face such a complex and lengthy process, as the years went on, with age, more and more of the past gradually away from their memories, more concentrated is confusing, hard to break away confused as well as share the nostalgia.
leaves everywhere and thoughts can not help falling, friends will not know each other together for mutual companionship,ghd outlet, but alone guarding the solitary and wet night, melancholy and longing, but as time stretching and growing, always feel there's concerns in the dark outside!
mind forever left a piece of the corner of the pure land, it was just left to their own interest the foot of territory, do not want to be invaded and occupied.
i know more than i am a wandering people, many people and i have the same feelings. everyone needs a spiritual destination and rely on, may need more time to insist on their own, know very tired, very hard to know, so why leave their life to see so gray?

broken life i clearly heard the sound, so always feel life is really as fleeting, and perhaps see more of the life cycle of numerous hurry, i suddenly understand their way of life should be re-selected, not need a lot of, a relaxed, a little happy, give me a quiet corner i would be sufficient.
i hope every day can be very happy walk, although there will be unhappy,abercrombie brussel, even though there will be harm, though perhaps there will be a disaster strike again. however, the cry of life is so majestic,mbt outlet, irresistible sharp resurrection, though the body is weak, and can share my faith and the will has inspired, positive and optimistic towards life, to face life, i do not know i live in the end is still weak in the spirit of a giant, i only know that i insist that i want in life ... ...
self i walk this life simple and comfortable, but what is happening around gave me a lot of insights and shock, i have a lot of close friends around, they have suffered through the well-being sad, but it is i have seen, though i can help them to share, but it gave me a lot of life experiences of feeling, i finally understand that the injured far more than is a person, even greater than vagrancy is a person?
i went with four years of hard work today,abercrombie fitch thank life _81791, but one day's time to sum up my forty years!
this is my life - simple and comfortable, quiet and calm.
i hope we can give their minds off the lights never lit lodge, but also joy and happiness always willing to accompany you!
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