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WOW Power Leveling From www.power-leveling.us-TUR

发表于 2012-1-19 12:01:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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wow 1-85 power leveling  139.99$   10 days
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wow 1-55 power leveling    52.99$   3.5 days
special wow 1-85 power leveling plan  //time:10 days //  price: $ 165.99 usd
【level】1-85 level
【gold】6300 gold bonus
【riding】300 riding skill
【mount】epic flying mount(310% speed)
【mount】abyssal seahorse(450% speed)
【profession】first aid to 525
【ability】all battle abilities learned
【talent】dual talent specialization ability
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【bag】22 slot bag * 4
【bank】extra bank space
wow 1-85 power leveling + cd-keys(for free account)  // time:10 days  // price: $ 250.99 usd
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【level】1-85 level
【gold】6300 gold bonus
【riding】300 riding skill
【mount】epic flying mount(310% speed)
【mount】abyssal seahorse(450% speed)
【profession】first aid to 525
【ability】all battle abilities learned
【talent】dual talent specialization ability
【flight】open all flight paths & flight master's license
【bag】22 slot bag * 4
【bank】extra bank space
wow 1-85 power leveling + s11 set(390) + weapon(378) //time:11 days //price: $ 235.99 usd
【level】1-85 level
【gold】16500 gold bonus
【riding】300 riding skill
【mount】epic flying mount(310% speed)
【mount】abyssal seahorse(450% speed)
【profession】first aid to 525
【ability】all battle abilities learned
【talent】dual talent specialization ability
【flight】open all flight paths & flight master's license
【bag】22 slot bag * 4
【bank】extra bank space
【items】season 11 ruthless gladiator's set(390 level items)
【items】378 weapon
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