www.power-leveling.co.uk is the leader in power leveling field. here lists some wow power leveling service products.
wow 1-85 power leveling £ 103.99 gbp 10 days
wow 1-80 power leveling £ 83.99 gbp 8 days
wow 1-70 power leveling £ 59.99 gbp 6 days
wow 80-85 power leveling £ 20.99 gbp 1.5 days

wow s11 gears set(390 items) - £ 27.75 gbp
wow professions archaeology 1-525 - £ 38.73 gbp
wow professions inscription 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow professions tailoring 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow professions skinning 1-525 - £ 28.4 gbp
wow professions leatherworking 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow professions herbalism 1-525 - £ 28.4 gbp
wow professions engineering 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow professions enchanting 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow professions blacksmithing 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow professions alchemy 1-525 - £ 44.54 gbp
wow 1-85 power leveling+cd-keys(for free account) 10 days 10 hours £ 153.99 gbp
【cd-keys】authentication cd-key
【cd-keys】the wrath of the lich king expansion
【cd-keys】the cataclysm expansion for free
【level】1-85 level
【gold】6300 gold bonus
【riding】300 riding skill
【mount】epic flying mount(310% speed)
【mount】abyssal seahorse(450% speed)
【profession】first aid to 525
【ability】all battle abilities learned
【talent】dual talent specialization ability
【flight】open flight paths & flight master's license
【bag】22 slot bag * 4
【bank】extra bank space
wow 1-85 power leveling+s11 set(390)+weapon(378) 11 days 10 hours £ 128.99 gbp
【level】1-85 level
【gold】16500 gold bonus
【riding】300 riding skill
【mount】epic flying mount(310% speed)
【mount】abyssal seahorse(450% speed)
【profession】first aid to 525
【ability】all battle abilities learned
【talent】dual talent specialization ability
【flight】open all flight paths & flight master's license
【bag】22 slot bag * 4
【bank】extra bank space
【items】season 11 ruthless gladiator's set(390 level items)
【items】378 weapon
wow honor 1000 points £ 3.99 gbp 12 hours
wow honor 2000 points £ 6.99 gbp 24 hours
wow honor 4000 points £ 11.99 gbp 48 hours
wow honor 10000 points £ 25.99 gbp 84 hours
wow 1000 justice points £ 4.99 gbp 12 hours
wow 2000 justice points £ 8.99 gbp 24 hours
wow 5000 justice points £ 22.99 gbp 48 hours
wow 10000 justice points £ 38.99 gbp 96 hours

death knight, druid, hunter, mage, paladin, priest, rogue, shaman, warlock, warrior
5.0: mists of pandaria, 4.3: hour of twilight, 4.2: rage of the firelands, 4.1: rise of the zandalari, 4.0.1: cataclysm, systems, 3.3.0: fall of the lich king
ahn'kahet: the old kingdom
auchenai crypts
blackfathom deeps
blackrock caverns
blackrock depths
blackrock spire
caverns of time
dire maul
drak'tharon keep
end time
grim batol
halls of lightning
halls of origination
halls of reflection
halls of stone
hellfire ramparts
hour of twilight
lost city of the tol'vir
magisters' terrace
old hillsbrad foothills
pit of saron
ragefire chasm
razorfen downs
razorfen kraul
scarlet monastery
sethekk halls
shadow labyrinth
shadowfang keep
sunken temple
the arcatraz
the black morass
the blood furnace
the botanica
the culling of stratholme
the deadmines
the eye
the forge of souls
the mechanar
the nexus
the oculus
the shattered halls
the slave pens
the steamvault
the stockade
the stonecore
the underbog
the violet hold
the vortex pinnacle
throne of the tides
trial of the champion
utgarde keep
utgarde pinnacle
wailing caverns
well of eternity
zul'farrak |