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发表于 2012-3-6 23:30:25 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Overview about Changzhou and Wujin

中华龙城 江南常州

image002.jpg 常州,别称“龙城”,是江苏省13个省辖城市之一。位于长江之南、太湖之滨。处于长江三角洲中心地带,与上海、南京等距相望,与苏州、无锡联袂成片,构成了苏锡常都市圈。现辖金坛、溧阳两个县级市和武进新北、天宁、钟万楼、戚墅堰五个行政区。全市面积4385平方公里,户籍人口357万人。市树广玉兰,市花月季。

Overview of Changzhou and Wujin

  • Changzhou, the Dragon City south of Yangtze River
    An ancient and cultural city south of Yangtze River with a history of 2,700 years
    A modern manufacturing base in the Yangtze River Delta
    A famous science and technological city, a happy place for living
    A city with love and courtesy

Changzhou, known as Dragon City, is the one of 13 cities governed by Jiangsu Province, located at the south of Yangtze River and near Tai Lake. It is at the centre of Yangtze River Delta and located in between Shanghai and Nanjing. Together with Suzhou and Wuxi, it forms a Suxichang metropolitan area. Currently Changzhou governs Jintan City, Liyang City, Wujin District, Xinbei District, Tianning District, Zhonglou District, and Qishuyan District. It has a total area of 4,385 square kilometers with registered population of 3.57 million. Its city tree is southern magnolia and city flower is China rose.

The total area of Wujin District is 1,246.6 square kilometers including 14 towns, two subdistricts and two industrial developing zones. The total population is near two million. As a source of Wuyue Culture, Wujin has a 5,000 year human civilization history, a 2,700 year history of city construction and a 2,500 year recorded history.

Wujin has a well developed and complete industry, also has excellent supporting industries. Advanced manufacturing industry, IT and electronic industry, new energy and environmental protection industry, bio-pharmaceutics, and medical equipment industry are five major industries of Wujin District.  


Regional Transportation  

航空 距上海浦东国际机场180公里
公路 沪宁高速、沿江高速、锡宜高速、312国道及4条省级道路横贯武进
铁路 京沪高铁、沪宁城际、新长铁路和全国铁路网直通

Wujin is neighbouring with major cities, such as Shanghai, Suzhou, Nanjing and Hangzhou.

Regional Transportation

Airports: 180 kilometers to Shanghai Pudong International Airport
        120 kilometers to Shanghai Hongqiao Airport
        80 kilometers to Nanjing Lukou International Airport
        Changzhou Airport is in the district.
Land Transportation: Huning Expressway, Riverside Expressway, Xiyi Expressway, No.312 state highway and four provincial ways pass across Wujin District.
Railway: Jinghu High-speed Railway, Huning Intercity Railway, Xinchang Railway connects to the national railway network.

Flowers and Tree Industry  


With the strong mass base, Wujin has a very long history of flowers and trees cultivation. After 30 years of development, its flowers and trees industry has made a huge progress. The industry has become the leading industry in the district with significant advantages. It also becomes one of the most featuring and largest production area of flowers and trees in Jiangsu Province which hold a dominate position nationally. In 2007, Wujin has been named as “the Home of Flowers and Trees in China”.

Until the end of 2010, the total area of flowers and trees reaches 151, 000 mu. Annually it produces 280 million plants, 4 million miniascapes, and 4 million fresh cut flowers. There are 45 villages and 5,200 families specialized in the cultivation of flowers and trees. There are 150 companies, 9,000 brokers and 100,000 employees involved in this industry. In 2010 the annual output of this industry reached over 3.5 billion Yuan (including landscaping projects). And its annual turnover reached over 6 billion Yuan. With the large-scaling of cultivation, the diversity of species, the regionalizing of layout and standardizing of trade and production, flowers and trees industry has formed a development pattern.



Tourism Characteristics

常州人杰地灵,人文荟萃,悠久的历史文化给常州留下了众多的名胜古迹,如春秋淹城遗址、唐代天宁塔、南朝文笔塔、北宋苏东坡舣舟亭等, 悠久的历史、璀璨的文化、众多的名人,为常州市的旅游发展积累了深厚的文化底蕴。目前,常州拥有1个国家级5A级旅游景区、5家国家级4A级旅游区(点),7家全国工农业旅游示范点,10家五星、四星的高星级酒店。旅游交通不断完善,旅游商品开发全面提速,旅游餐饮彰显特色,六大要素协调配套。


With long history and rich culture, Changzhou left to many attractions, such as Chunqiu Yan Relic, Tianning Temple of Tang Dynasty, Wenbi Pagoda of Nan Dynasty, Sudongpo Quay Arbour, etc. By the long history, rich culture, many famous historic characters, Changzhou accumulated a rich cultural heritage. Now, Changzhou has one national 5A class tourism spot, five national 4A class tourism spots, seven national demonstration tourism spots for industry and agriculture. There are ten 5-star and 4-star hotels. The transportation conditions of tourism are continuous improving. The development of tourism products is accelerating. The character of tourism and catering is highlighting. Six major elements are coordinated and complete.

In recent years, Wujin district has been gradually improving its tourism products structure and has formed three main tourism attractions such as Chunqiu Yan Relic, Global Joyland Theme Park and West Tai Lake Ecological Recreation Zone.

By hosting the 8th China Flower Expo, Wujin is going to upgrade its overall level of tourism industry.

Introduction of 8th China Flower Expo




China Flower Expo initially started in the year of 1987 and is held every four years. It is China's largest and most influential national flower event.

The Expo is known as the Chinese “Olympic” in the flower industry. It has been held in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and other places for seven times. Its scale and the growing influence are moving in the direction towards the international event.
The 8th China Flower Expo will start in September, 2013, at Wujin, the place known as “International Garden City” and “City of Flower & Water”.

Theme of the Expo: Happy as flowers
Sponsors: State Forestry Administration, China Flower Association,
The People’s Government of Jiangsu Province
Organizers: Jiangsu Provincial Flower Association
The People’s Government of Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province
Operator: The People’s Government of Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province


Content and Form

image017.jpg 展会内容:集中展示了鲜切花、切叶、盆花等各类花卉;观叶植物、盆景;种子、种苗、种球;干花、仿生花、装饰植物;花肥、基质;盆钵、几架、器皿;园艺工具、设施等相关产品;观赏石材;观赏鸟、鱼、虫;园林景观设计等。


The Content of the Expo: Demonstration of cut flowers, cut leaves, potted flowers and other flowers; Foliage plants and miniascapes; Seeds, seedlings, bulbs; Dried flowers, bionic flowers, ornamental plants; Fertilizers, matrix; Basin body, stool & shelf, containers, utensils, gardening tools, facilities and other related products; Ornamental stone, pet birds, fish, insects; Landscape design, etc.

Form of the Expo: The Expo combines three parts which are the indoor exhibition hall, outdoor exhibition area and related activities. The indoor exhibition hall is divided into general gallery and thematic gallery. The outdoor exhibition mainly is plant-based landscaping area. Related activities include opening and closing ceremonies, awards ceremonies, etc.

Introduction of the Exhibition Area   

[主展区] 规划建设总占地面积1.8平方公里,分室内展区和室外展区两大部分。





[辅展区] 主要为“一场五园”,“一场”即第六届中国花卉交易会场——夏溪花木市场,市场规划扩建至800亩规模,将建成全国最大的花卉及相关资料营销物流中心;“五园”指江南花都产业园、紫薇园、玫瑰园、艺林园、盆景园,规划面积分别为3000亩、650亩、500亩、500亩和300亩。

Main Exhibition Area: It has a total planned construction area of 1.8 square kilometers and is divided into indoor exhibition hall and outdoor exhibition area.

Indoor Exhibition Hall

General Gallery: Its total construction area has 70,000 square meters. It is the main exhibition hall for the display of individual exhibiter who attends the 8th China Flower Expo. It is divided into individual provincial exhibition areas; Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Exhibition area; international area; flower industry area; Feature flowers and technology exhibition area.  In principle the provincial exhibition area is organized and participated by individual province, autonomous region, municipality and Shenzhen Flower Association.

Thematic Gallery: It combines Nature Hall and Technology Hall.

Secondary Exhibition Area

It combines “One Venue and Five Parks”. One venue means the trade venue for the 6th China Flower Fair which is the Xiaxi Flowers Market. The Xiaxi Flowers Market will expand to 800 mu and is intended to be the largest flower related trade market and flower logistics centre. “Five Parks” means the Jiangnan Flower Industrial Park, Myrtle Park, Rose Park, Wood Arts Park, and Miniascape Park. The total planed areas of five parks are 3,000 mu, 650 mu, 500 mu, 500 mu and 300 mu each.

Main Events


Events include the opening ceremony, thematic exhibition of flowers and horticulture, “China Cup” Floral Art Competition and Floral Art Exhibition, float parade of 8th China Flower Expo, China Flower Industrial Development High-end Forum, Horticultural Technology Forum, Cross- Taiwan Strait Flower Industry Forum, folk flower gathering (with the main line of “flower competing - flower discussion – flower appreciation”), flower painting and photography exhibition, closing ceremony (including competitions and award ceremony), and performances, etc.

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