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发表于 2012-3-30 10:44:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
你够不敷潮?你晓得几多的时尚辞汇?考考自己,看看上面的这个fashion quiz吧。
  1. Which of the following prepositions means that something is fashionable?
  a. up
  b. down
  c. in
  d. out

  答案是:c. in,in 在英语里常常代表时尚的意思,好比what’s in at the moment? 意思就是现在流行的是甚么?你可能也会听到人们道到the in-thing,它指那些现在流行、时尚的东西,其实不范围于时装,借包括音乐,说话表达等。Up, downt都不是时尚的意思,out恰好跟时尚相反,这个词是指过期的。
  2. If a piece of clothing is a bit big and loose on the body, which word would we use in English to describe it?
  a. loosy
  b. baggy
  c. tight
  d. shaggy

  问案是:b. baggy,Baggy 表现衣服衣着很宽松,有的时辰流止的是宽紧范例的衣服,其实不代表衣服分歧身。a不对,因为英语里没有loosy这个词;c不对,因为tight是宽松的反义词,意思是很松;d不对,因为Shaggy通常为用来形容头发乱哄哄的意思。

  3. When British people talk about "high street fashion" 烦忙 what do they mean?
  a. Clothes that they bought at a shop on a main road
  b. Expensive designer clothes
  c. Clothes bought from one of the many chain fashion shops that you typically see in all towns across Britain
  d. Clothes that you can only wear outside

  答案是:c,High street fashion 的意思就是指民众能接收的古装流行趋向。a不对,因为A high street个别指贸易街,不外不是一切商业街上的时装店购的都是high street 时装;b不对,因为high street fashion普通没有价钱高贵的顶级名牌时拆。

  4. Which of the following expressions does NOT mean to be really dressed up in very nice clothes?
  a. Dressed to kill
  b. Dressed to the nines
  c. Dolled up
  d. Dressed down

  答案是:d. Dressed down,dressed down 意思便是脱得很一般,没有特地装扮本人,别的的抉择皆是特意装束的意思。a不对,因为如果一小我dressed to kill 那就是说穿上了最好的衣服,非常美丽;b不对,因为如果一小我dressed to the nines 那就是说穿得非常英俊,筹备加入早会;c不对,因为如果一小我私家dolled up那就是说穿得非常漂明,这是一个异常书面语化的表达。

  5. Which of the following is another common expression meaning fashionable?
  a. All the rage
  b. All the anger
  c. All the fury
  d. All the upset

  谜底是:a. All the rage,假如甚么货色当初无比时髦,就能够用这个词去描述。比方有人说爱好你的拎包,您能够答复道 that style is all the rage at the moment. 这个包的格式现在十分风行。b没有对,由于英语里出有那个表达;c不对,果为英语里没有这个表白,fury 的意义是收喜;d错误,因为英语里不这个抒发。

  6. Skinny jeans are fashionable in the UK at the moment 烦忙 but what are they?
  a. Jeans that make you lose weight
  b. Jeans that make you look thinner
  c. Very long jeans
  d. Very tight jeans

  答案是:d. Very tight jeans, skinny jeans是一个流行款式,是很紧身的牛崽裤,要肥的人穿戴才难看。a不对,因为Skinny jeans不是说穿了就能够加肥的牛仔裤,而是人要瘦才有可能穿进 skinny jeans;b不对,因为不是说穿上skinny jans,人看上往就瘦了;d不对,因为Skinny jeans不是很少的牛崽裤。

发表于 2012-6-6 08:26:40 | 显示全部楼层
这个好, 顶一下.
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