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发表于 2013-8-3 10:42:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式




Updated News

Phoenix Satellite Television (US) Inc. (Phoenix Satellite Television US) received official notices from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission's Washington D.C on August 2, 2013. Field Office (EEOC), dismissing the retaliation complaints filed by Ren Meixing, Wang Taofeng and Chang Chingyi against Phoenix Satellite Television US.  In closing its file on all three charges, EEOC states in its notice, dated July 25, 2013, that after investigating the complaints it was unable to conclude that the information it obtained established any violation of the law by Phoenix Satellite Television US.  Earlier, EEOC dismissed an earlier retaliation complaint against Phoenix Satellite Television US filed by Xue Haipei.  As a result, all retaliation complaints against Phoenix Satellite Television US filed with EEOC have been dismissed.

Phoenix Satellite Television US has received a copy of a lawsuit filed by the above referenced individuals alleging retaliation.  The lawsuit, filed on July 19, 2013, came one week before EEOC's decision to dismiss the retaliation charges against Phoenix Satellite Television US.  The Company has reviewed the lawsuit and the press release from the attorney representing the plaintiffs in the case.  It is full of inaccuracies and false statements about the Company, similar to the complaints filed with EEOC.  Phoenix Satellite Television US has retained legal counsel to defend the Company's interests and to advise it regarding any and all legal remedies it may have arising out of this matter.

如有查询,烦请联络凤凰卫视公关部For any enquiry, please contact PR Dept. of Phoenix TV

张小蕾Lizzie Cheung                        22008508
匡骏Joseph Kuang                        22008506
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