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6年前美专家断言:日本会逐步沉海底 将有大量日本人移民中国

发表于 2011-3-21 09:41:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 美国科学院院长BRUCE ALBERTS博士6年前曾经发表文章,由于两方面原因,日本会逐步沉人海底。其一是气候变暖,海水上升,其二是日本附近的深海沟正在加深,并且向日本移动。他并且预测,大量日本人将来会向中国移民。这种预测不一定准确,但是一定会影响日本政府的长期政策。
  2005年1月4日,美国国家科学院院长BRUCE ALBERTS博士在接受《时代周刊》记者采访时严肃指出:经过了04年末的印尼大地震,亚洲-太平洋板块正在变得越发脆弱,地震和海啸也将越发活跃。尤其是亚洲东部的日本列岛已经处在了一个随时可能塌陷的‘漏斗’之上。

  众所周知,世界上最深的海沟——马里亚那海沟(平均深度8000 米,距离日本列岛最近处不过200公里),由于受到亚洲大陆板块的推压和太平洋板块的后退的原因,正在以每年10厘米的速度向向东北方向,即太平洋-日本列岛一线扩张。这次大地震后,科学家观测到海沟又进一步加快了东扩的步伐! 处在太平洋和亚洲两大板块交界的日本列岛无疑已经身处在这个世界上最深的“漏斗”的边缘,面临灭绝的命运--滑入一个大的深沟之中。

  BRUCE ALBERTS博士建议日本政府向周遍的友好国家——中国、韩国、美国寻求帮助,在大灾难一旦降临的时候,能够将日本的众多的平民百姓迁移到中国等国的领土上,作为“自然灾害难民”,以避免日本的‘整个民族的毁灭’。



Japanese Islands may be sink into the trench! U.S. scientists predict that the Japanese archipelago, it may sink Rumaliya trench! January 4, 2005, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, Dr. BRUCE ALBERTS accept the “Times” interview, solemnly pointed out: “After a 04 year-end earthquake in Indonesia, Asia – Pacific plate is becoming increasingly fragile, the earthquake and tsunami will be more and more active. Especially in eastern Asia, the Japanese archipelago has been subject to a collapse in the ‘funnel’ on top.

“As we all know, the world’s deepest trenches – Mariana Trench (average depth of 8,000 meters from the nearest Japanese archipelago, but 200 kilometers), due to the Asian continental plates push and the reasons for the retreat of the Pacific plate, is 10 per year cm speed to the northeast, the Pacific – Japanese archipelago line expansion. The earthquake, the scientists observed the trench is further accelerated the pace of enlargement! at the junction of two plates, the Pacific and Asia, the Japanese archipelago, has no doubt the body in the world’s deepest edge of the funnel?! If you encounter the same one or two undersea earthquake in Indonesia, it is likely in addition to other southern Ryukyu Islands, Japan Islands are facing extinction – slip into a large trench.

BRUCE ALBERTS Dr suggested the Japanese government should set up as soon as possible “drowned Warning Panel”, and in 2005 started as soon as possible “disaster emergency plan”, not to deceive the Japanese people to implement the policy – the Japanese people have the right to know their fate. BRUCE ALBERTS Dr. also suggested the Japanese government friendly to the surrounding countries – China, South Korea, the United States for help in the disaster once came, to Japan’s large number of civilians moved to the territory of China and other countries as “natural disasters refugees “in order to avoid Japan’s” destruction of the entire nation, “… …

Note: Mariana Trench data – the Mariana Trench in the western Pacific Ocean, the western Pacific ocean floor as part of a series of trenches. It is located in Asia and the Pacific plate plate between the sulfur islands north, southwest to the vicinity of Yap. the north of the Aleutian, Kuril, Japan, etc. Ogasawara Trench, south New Britain and the New Hebrides trench, etc.. length of 2550 km, as arc, the average width of 70 km, most of the more than 8,000 meters water depth. The maximum depth of 11,034 meters, the deepest point on Earth.

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