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at 14th China-ASEAN Summit(7)

发表于 2011-11-18 10:23:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Third, deepen financial cooperation. China is ready to take the following steps to intensify cooperation with ASEAN countries: increase cooperation between our central banks and exchanges among financial experts; increase access to each other's financial markets through mutual opening of branches of financial institutions;TOEIC step up dialogue and cooperation between regulatory authorities; increase local currency swap and encourage the quoting of RMB and ASEAN currencies in each other's inter-bank foreign exchange markets; phase in a cooperation mechanism on inter-bank local currency clearing and promote bilateral local currency settlement; enhance the role of the China-ASEAN Inter-Bank Association to provide diversified financial services to Chinese and ASEAN businesses; and jointly improve the Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization and other regional currency swap mechanisms to fully enhance East Asia's ability to conduct financial crisis rescue不動産投資 and ensure regional financial stability.

Fourth, expand practical maritime cooperation. China will establish a three billion yuan China-ASEAN maritime cooperation fund. Our cooperation in this area may start with marine research and environmental protection, connectivity, navigation safety, search and rescue, and combating transnational crimes, and gradually expand into other fields, with the goal of developing multi-tiered and all-round maritimeウォーターサーバー cooperation between China and ASEAN. China proposes that the two sides set up a mechanism to study the initiative and work out a plan for cooperation.

Fifth, advance cooperation in science, technology and sustainable development. China proposes that 2012 be designated the year of China-ASEAN science and technology cooperation and offers to host the first 10+1 science ministers' meeting in China. The two sides should move quickly to sign the China-ASEAN Agreement on Science and Technology Cooperation and launch partnership program in science and technology. China will work to advance exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN in green economy, energy conservation, environmental protection, new energy and renewable energy.
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