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发表于 2014-7-7 01:37:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


  If first dates make you nervous, you're not alone。


  Getting to know a complete stranger is a daunting task, and small talk about the weather or your March Madness bracket probably won't shed much light on your compatibility. There's no real way around the initial question-and-answer session, but how can you avoid sounding like you're interviewing your date for a job?


  Inspired by a Reddit thread on r/AskWomen, we asked our Facebook and Twitter communities what questions they'd love to hear on a first date. Here are 15 suggestions from Redditors and HuffPost Women followers:


  15 Questions To Ask On A First Date


  1. "What do you love?"


  2. "Tell me your favorite story."


  3. "What was your happiest moment in the past month?"


  4. "How was your day?"


  5. "What is your happiest memory?"


  6. "What does your future look like?"


  7. "How are you contributing to the world?"


  8. "What are your favorite books?"


  9. "Which fictional character do you relate to the most?"


  10. "What's your favorite quote?"


  11. "What do you wish more of your friends would do with you?"


  12. "What's your favorite thing about yourself?"


  13. "Are you spontaneous?"


  14. "What motivates you in life?"


  15. "What's the best compliment you've ever received?"



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