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美捕获巨型鳄鱼 15英尺长重一千磅(双语)

发表于 2014-8-20 20:13:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

U5926P42DT20140820155859.jpg 美捕获巨型鳄鱼 15英尺长重一千磅

  A family in Alabama are celebrating after catching the largest alligator ever recorded in the state over the weekend.The mammoth beast, which measured 15-feet long and weighed 1,011.5 pounds, was captured by five members of the Stokes family near Thomaston.It took the family ten hours to capture the monster。
  The hunt started on Friday night and lasted well into Saturday morning. Mandy Stokes said her crew went through the full range of emotions as they first staked the animal, before battling it, then killing it and finally struggling to take it back to shore。
  ‘He came up just as calm as he could,’ Mandy Stokes said, ‘When I pulled the trigger this time, water just exploded on all of us.’
  When they finally got the beast back to dry land, he was so big that he crushed the winch system normally used by Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries biologists.In the end, a backhoe had to be brought in to lift the animal and officially weigh it。
  Alligators are the only dangerous-game species that can legally be hunted in the state. The mammoth gator has now been officially named as the largest ever legally harvested in Alabama and it could even be a new world record。
  It isn't clear which metric-length, weight or a combination of both - SCI used to come to its decision。  In June, Safari Club International declared a 14-foot, 8-inch, 880-pound alligator killed in Texas by Justin Wells of Bossier City, La., in 2007 as the new world record。
  The Stokes' gator measured 70.5 inches around the stomach, 46 inches around the base of the tail and had a 16-inch snout measurement.Following his capture and being weighed, his next stop was scheduled to be Ken Owens' Autaugaville taxidermy shop。

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