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The acknowledgment over the years reading comprehension and analytic Zhenti seri

发表于 2011-5-2 00:41:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Unit 1 (1994) Part 1
Key words:
1. Market-oriented (market-oriented) lmarket market positioning + ed + orient adjective suffix.
2. Embrace (v. embrace; contains ) that em + brace, em-(= in), brace root n. support pillar basically private-enterprise, market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most.
This is a attributive clauses and object clause complex sentence. the first to seize the heart of sentences, The American economic system is organized around a. .. economy, economy at the beginning of the previous attribute can not see to read. In the back is an economy in which the attributive clause in the cossack which consumers largely determine, and this clause have an object clause what shall be produced. attributive clause in there to guide the segmentation of a structure by spending their money in the marketplace for those goods and services that they want most for adverbial, indicating how consumers decide what products should be produced, and this means an attributive adverbial clause in there that they want most.
sentence by allegory the structure of all the means we know are around the core Sentence Expand language economy, and therefore should be at different levels in reading, the core layer by layer to understand the word of this statement, prioritize, fully understand.
② Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it. Man is Education Online:
first to seize the beginning of the sentence thus,watches, see the word, they should think of this sentence is described aloft leads to the conclusion. look at sentence structure, skip the adverbial in the American economic system, the first to seize it is a stressed structure It is ... that, therefore, the emphasize the key part is understanding, and it consists of three parallel components, namely the demand of individual consumers, the desire of businessmen to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes, coupled with the middle and and connected with. In a later section that there are two parallel object clause what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it connected to the back of the verb determine.
the first to seize stressed sentences, and focus on understanding the content of the stressed , followed by the last sentence to understand it on behalf of the object is referred to what shall be produced.
③ An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers.
The first sentence sentence structure and similar, but more complex predicative of the attributive clause.
sentence is the difficulty in understanding the attributive clause by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers, for the convenience of understanding, we can after the sentence and in part by the passive sentences to alive sentences: by which consumer demands can be expressed and producers can respond to consumer demands, so that you can abstain responded to by producers do not understand.
④ If, on the other hand, producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers, which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.
This is a conditional adverbial clause of the main clause, clauses, if guided by the main structure is ... producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost ..., producing more of a commodity which is a sub-phrase as subject, and the main sentence to this main language, which contains an attributive clause which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.
sentence is the difficulty in understanding the sentence refers to the pronoun relationship, in which its referring to the first commodity, and the main subject of this sentence is referring to the conditions of adverbial clause. main clause of the attributive clause also does not modify a particular word, but to the entire main Sentence expression to increase the supply offered by seller-producers.
⑤ In the American economy, the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but aswell assertive rights, including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.
sentence the main clause structure the concept embraces not only ... but also .... the major part of the difficulty in its object, is a not only ... but also ... the parallel connection structure, and complement followed by a long phrase including the right to determine the price of a product or to make a free contract with another private individual.
sentence difficulty is how to understand the complex object , attention should be arrested before the beginning of the main clause, you can ignore the first language make up part after the comma, and then assay the composition including the back, bearing in mind is the modification of certain rights in this part of the.
questions Analysis:
1. 【ANSWER [D]
the selection means: Americans want to increase the purchasing power of their income. the last sentence of paragraph 1 of the article is from both producers and consumers is the desire to control Moreover, paragraph 1 of the statement is also the first to talk about the content of the paper. [A],replica watches rolex, [C] means: Americans want to increase their income. This is not consistent with the purpose of this article because, wage relations reflects the relationship between employers and employees rather than the relationship amid producers and consumers. [B] in the In doing this question, it will content is expressed in the theme of the paragraph: price (volatility) is the supply and demand (the relationship between producers and consumers) is reflected. The last sentence of paragraph summary also restated the theme.
[A] the means of this mechanism expression is incorrect because the original sentence acutely states: the price acclimation for the supply and demand relationship. text are Education Online:
3. 【ANSWER [A]
that means: private property (ownership) and the corresponding rights. the original two lines repeated in paragraph 3 summarizes the United States from both the backer economic system of private ownership characteristics. [B] means: the control of labor and natural resources. and a far cry from the original. [C] expressed only one aspect of the U.S. economic system characteristics, so one-sided loss. [D] only emphasized this aspect of power, therefore, is one-sided.
4. 【ANSWER [C]
Italy as: the characteristics of the U.S. economy and its operation (work). This is stated in the text of the main contents of this theme in the article, sentence, paragraph 1 and paragraph 3 of the 1,2-very bright.
[ ,],[about the privately owned, market-oriented economic abject built on. Under such a system needs to produce what the consumer is largely to the market by spending money to buy their goods and services most needed to decide. In order to profit, private business owners in competition with others to produce these products, to provide these services. Under the pressure of competition the profit motive and how to operate largely determine the production of goods and services. Thus, in United States economy, the demand of individual consumers, coupled with the pursuit of business to maximize profits and consumers desire to maximize their purchasing power together determine what shall be produced and how to use resources to produce these products.
market-based economy An important factor is the reflection of consumer demand and producers respond to consumer demand mechanism. in the U.S. economy, this mechanism is reflected by the price system, the relative prices with the consumer demand and producer supply floating up and down. If in short supply, prices rise, some consumers will be out of the market. On the other hand, a product of mass production led to lower costs, and sales will increase to provide the products, which will make prices fall, So, more consumers to buy the product. Therefore, the price is the American economic system adjustment mechanism.
private enterprise economy is an important factor in allowing individuals to own productive resources (private property), allowing them to hire labor, control of natural resources, and produce goods and services for profit. In the United States economy, the concept of private property ownership not only of production, including certain rights, such as the right to decide prices or free of other private individuals contract rights.
Unit 1 (1994) Part2
Key words:
1. deposit (vn storage; savings; precipitation), or de + pos + it, de-down, pos root ;, it the suffix, br> 3. processor (manufacturer; processor) lprocess deal + or; microprocessor (microprocessor) lmicro + processor.
dozen other family:
① They give their owners automated credit in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, beyond the country, and even away and they make many banking services available as well.
sentence and connected by two compound sentence, of which the first sentence structure is more complex, there is a complex place adverbial in stores, restaurants, and hotels, at home, across the country, and even abroad, here in the reading speed may be adapted.
sentence is the difficulty in understanding the phrase give somebody credit, here credit should be understood as range of records, including who sold what, when, and to whom.
these two phrases are simple, but because there are several phrases which contains, as do much more than ..., ring up, electronic cash registers and so on, so there are some reading obstacles, we do not know the exact meaning of a phrase the case, through the context to locate its general meaning it is very important.
electronic cash registers means record We know there is only between A and B differences in the extent and nature of the same, so ring up with electronic cash registers should be the same or similar meaning, should be the same time these computers record which hours are busiest and which employers are the most efficient, allowing personnel and staffing assignments to be made accordingly. And they also identify preferred customers for promotional campaigns.
in the first sentence contains two parallel object clause which hours are busiest and which employers are the most efficient, but the comma after the word is a sub-structure, used to modify the main clause.
the first sentence of the last word accordingly, and the second sentence preferred understanding of the key. accordingly means , from theaters to magazine publishers, from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, bring better and more efficient services to consumers through the use of computers.
the subject of the sentence has a very long modifier from theaters to magazine publishers , from gas and electric utilities to milk processors, the reading time, if we note that it is only a supplement to the comma between the elements, we can skip the first sentence of the main ingredients grab.
analytic questions:
5. 【ANSWER [B]
commodity, paragraph 1 of a series of examples of using the credit card (credit card) to accompany its users a lot of convenience, paragraph 2 a first phrase summed up the subject of paragraph 1.
[A] Original noted that credit card holders can be subject to geographical and time constraints access to money, but that does not mean that much to get ready to take the number. [C] means To: (with and without a credit card than people) enjoy more credibility, which is not true, in fact, whether it is held in cash or credit card holders, customers enjoy the same when shopping credibility. [D] means: to place in which can be redeemed for cash. It also put some vague, such as: credit card issued by a coffer may not be applicable to other banks and their branches. text are Education Online:
6. 【correct ANSWER [C]
p. 1, paragraph 4 states: For many Americans, the ,],[, we can not make any comparison. the original sentence did not the meaning of this.
7. 【ANSWER [B]
up means: recorded in the Register within the hh, sales means: sales. later that same paragraph: In addition to record sales outside the computer, there are still more widely in commercial use, and record sales of electronic collection The most basal function of money machine.
[A], [C] is not correct. [D] means: keep track of the existing goods.
8. 【ANSWER [B]
purpose of this article statements in the last paragraph, electronic cash registers and credit card use are computer applications in business examples, the paper pointed out that the application of computers to bring a lot of convenience to users.
[A] This article will not go to that computer How to use the talk of commercial computer applications in the commercial consequences. [C] means: the significance of business automation. This is not the focus of Application to the many producers and consumers convenience. [D] article listed in paragraph 1 of the use of credit cards to consumers the benefits, but this is not the thrust of the article, the author of this just like a credit card examples to illustrate the application of computers to consumers to facilitate the subject of many.
full translation:
1.3 million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit cards. credit card holder can store, restaurants, hotels, local, and even abroad, the goods on credit, while credit card and they make many of the services provided by banks. More and more credit cards can be automatically read, so cardholders can access in different places, no matter the local annex is open. For many of us, . Electronic cash registers can do much more than record sales, they can be a variety of records, including who sold what, when sold, sold them. this information by displaying the type of goods sold and sales speed, enable businesses to track and record their inventory, and then make a decision or re-ordering the goods returned to suppliers. At the same time these computers record what time period is the peak, which employees the most efficient, then the appropriate allocation of personnel will be able to adjustments. In addition, they also determine the ideal customer base for promotional activities. For the same reason, manufacturers are also on the computer. computer assay of the marketing reports can help determine what should now focus on the production of goods, which will develop products, What should stop production. computer track inventory of goods, raw materials and even the existing production process itself.
many other commercial enterprises, from theaters to the magazine, from gas and electric companies to milk processors to consumers through the use of computers to provide more good and efficient service.
Unit 1 (1994) Part 3
Key words:
1.denote (v. said) that de + note, de-down, note records, recorded accouchement are different in some significant way from others of the same age. For these accouchement to develop to their full adult potential, their education must be acclimatized to those differences.
structure of the first phrase is simple, the second sentence For these children to develop to their full adult potential, said the purpose of an adverbial can also be viewed as a primary sentence from their education must be adapted to those differences behind the earlier structure of the preposition.
exceptional one in the first phrase word description later in this article we can know that it is not our general understanding of have a disability, into of the importance of the supporting players and the scenery of the play itself.
sentence by a guided moonlight association while the leading actor on the stage captures our attention and constitute a main clause.
to understand the sentence, the focus is to see that it is an affinity, compared to children with disabilities in major roles on stage, and their family and social environment has been likened to the supporting actors and theater sets. In the study section of the reading comprehension, when we encounter on using a variety of metaphors and analogies, the most important thing is to understand its use of metaphor to illustrate the objects.
③ And it is in the public schools that we find the full expression of society's understanding m the knowledge, hopes,replica rolex watches, and fears that are passed on to the next generation.
This is an emphasis on structure, the emphasis is in the public schools, find the object behind the expression of society's understanding there are a complement, which in turn contains an attributive article.
This sentence is the key phrase to understand the full expression of society's understanding. absorption to understanding here is not simply deep understanding of the word is not enough, you can also add ingredients from the back of the dash to start to understand its profound meaning.
④ The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades indicates the strong feeling in our society that all citizens, whatever their special conditions, deserve the opportUnity to fully develop their capabilities.
more complex sentence structure, up first should seize the courage structure The great interest ... indicates the strong feeling .... and the main ...
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