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发表于 2014-8-12 22:45:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sculptures And Statues From Around The World

1. Mustangs By Robert Glen, Las Colinas, Texas, USA

2. Expansion by Paige Bradley, New York, USA

3. The Monument Of An Anonymous Passerby, Wroclaw, Poland

4. Salmon Sculpture, Portland, Oregon, USA

5.. People Of The River By Chong Fah Cheong, Singapore

6.. The Shoes On The Danube Bank by Can Togay & Gyula Pauer, Budapest, Hungary

7. The Knotted Gun, Turtle Bay, New York, USA

8. Break Through From Your Mold By Zenos Frudakis, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

9. Black Ghost, Klaipeda, Lithuania

10. Les Voyageurs, Marseilles, France

11. Nelson Mandela, South Africa

12. De Vaartkapoen, Brussels, Belgium

13. Cattle Drive, Dallas, Texas, USA

14. Spider, Tate Modern, London, UK

15. Hippo Sculptures, Taipei, Taiwan

16. Sinking Building Outside State Library, Melbourne, Australia

17. Iguana Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

18. Man At Work, Bratislava, Slovakia

19. Mihai Eminescu, Onesti, Romania

20. A Scene From The World War With Real-Size Statues, Eceabat, Turkey

21. Man Hanging Out, Prague, Czech Republic

22. Kelpies, Grangemouth, UK

23. Rundle Mall Pigs, Adelaide, Australia

24. The Unknown Official, Reykjavik, Iceland

25. The Shark, Oxford, UK



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