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发表于 2014-8-26 23:56:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

The country of Somalia has been through turbulent times and a period of turmoil. So it fails to secure a positive reputation and a strong commercial backup. Civil strife, fake currency rackets, political unrest and the perpetual problem of pirates have tarnished the commercial image as well as the financial image of Somalia. An unstable government and paucity of natural resources has hindered the economic growth of Somalia. Somalia is tormented with many developmental challenges that discourage businesses to establish their entities in this country.


Entrepreneurs were for a long time not willing to invest in Somalia due to the trade imbalance, poor investment climate and the dwindling import and export activities. Global giants feel apprehensive to set up a commercial base in Somaliland. Its history acts a deterrent to the investors.


The situation in Somalia is changing for the better. Business groups can set up businesses here confidently.


A few tips are being given for the young entrepreneurs to set up business in Somaliland.


- Prior to starting a business in Somalia, you need to gather substantial information on the economic, cultural and political edifice of the country. You have to understand in detail each and every aspect of commercial dealings.


- You have to master the social and business etiquettes so that you can interact with the local people there. You should know that starting a business in Africa is different from starting one in Europe.


- While serving the population of Somaliland, you must be aware of the behavior of the customer and preferences so that you can design your product accordingly. Your product must appeal the targeted audience.


- You ought to learn more about the factors that have a considerable impact on the economy of Somalia. This is prerequisite for starting a business in Somalia.


- Collect information about the mail industrial sectors of Somalia its government, currency, trade activities and nature of economy. If you are well versed with the trade agreements, then you can carry out export and import business peacefully.


- When you set up brand new commercial units in Somalia, it is advisable to follow the official norms. You should know about the rules of initiating a new enterprise in Somalia.


- Your contacts with the seats of power like the Embassy of Somalia, the Somali chamber of Commerce will help you get your work done fast without any hindrance. You will establish yourself soon with their interference. Your connections will help you out.


You have to convince the people of Somalia that your business will bring forth social welfare. After explaining to them the commercial advantages of your business. It is not altogether impossible to set up a business in Somalia. You have to do a lot of hard work before actually embarking on a business in Somalia. Somalia has business prospects now. Venture out and explore the possibilities. Follow the tips for doing business in Somalia and you will be benefitted. You will not regret your decision on investing in the nation.


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